



Idea 〰️ Home 〰️

Idea Home

Hold mE.U and Dressing and Undressing were included in A Room of Our Own (part of Idea Home) which addressed the home as a political site. Informed by current debates around the Arts and Crafts movement’s politicized reaction to nineteenth century industrialization, the classic Ideal Home magazine and its associated fair, and the government report Fixing Our Broken Housing Market, it considered ways people could take control over lived spaces through cooperative production.

The display was a showroom of furnishings and processes made by British artists and presented products that encapsulated small-scale, ground-up manufacturing. The imagined townhouse featured wallpaper, furniture, ceramics, and lighting. Contributors included Artist Tea Towel Company, Jonathan Baldock, Pablo Bronstein, Matt Calderwood, CommonRoom, Coco Crampton, Fairland Collective, Martino Gamper, Kate Hawkins, Nadia Hebson, Emily Hesse, Jasleen Kaur, New Boosbeck Industries, Katie Schwab, and Joanne Tatham and Tom O’Sullivan.

2017 - Idea Home at MIMA, curated by Elinor Morgan


Dressing & Undressing


Pot Heads